Project Nota celebrates Women’s Latin Week
Last week, Project Nota celebrated "Women’s Latin Week" with a post per day on Instagram. Here is a breakdown of featured authors if you missed it (click to visit each post):
Day 1
“De Vesuvio” by Martha Marchina.
Day 2
Nuns: Berhtgyth (c. 770), Heloise (c. 1100-1163) and Taurina.
Day 3
“In Eutychum Pontanum Gallum” by Olympia Fulvia Morata (b. 1526, Ferrara).
Day 4
Letter to Elisabeth of Schoenau by Hildegard von Bingen.
Day 5
“The Dream” by Sor Juana Inez de la Cruz (Mexico) and “Road to Latin: A First Year Latin Book” by Helen M. Chesnutt.
About Project Nota
Project Nota draws attention (nota bene!) to the letters and works (nota) of famous women (notarum) by focusing on the digitalisation of texts, translating these texts into English and increasing their overall accessibility.
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